Aurora Elmes

Research by Aurora Elmes
Health impacts of a WISE: a longitudinal study
This paper reports findings from the first year of the Vanguard Laundry evaluation study, which explores the impacts of...
Evaluation Approaches
Evaluation Steps
The majority (75.6%) of 2019 participants rated their health as better (46.5%) or about the same (29.3%) since starting work at Vanguard. The trend to better health was most pronounced in the first year of employment.
Vanguard Laundry Evaluation - Change in health
Queensland Health data on 25 participants showed three fewer hospital admissions, and 241 fewer days in hospital across the group in the year since employment with Vanguard.
Vanguard Laundry Evaluation - Hospital use
2019 data showed that participants' total net income increased by a median of $360 a fortnight since working at Vanguard, moving the majority of people to an income above the poverty line.
Vanguard Laundry Evaluation - Income
70% of 2019 participants faced housing stress (paying over 30% of their income on housing costs) in the six months before working at Vanguard. Since working at Vanguard, this fell to only 33% in housing stress.
Vanguard Laundry Evaluation - Housing stress
Three years of business: Vanguard Laundry 2019 evaluation report
Vanguard Laundry Services is an employment-focused social enterprise in Toowoomba, Queensland, with a social mission of...
Vanguard Laundry Impact Report 2018
Vanguard Laundry Services is an employment-focused social enterprise in Toowoomba, Queensland, with a social mission of...
Our first year in business: Vanguard Laundry 2017 Impact Review
Vanguard Laundry Services is an employment-focused social enterprise in Toowoomba, Queensland, with a social mission of...
Community Recycling Enterprises: NSW Impact Measurement Project
This project was initiated by representatives from community recycling enterprises (CREs), who expressed interest in...